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Latest version


Seamless operability between C++11 and Python

Project description

pybind11 — Seamless operability between C++11 and Python


Combining older versions of pybind11 (< 2.6.0) with the brand-new Python3.9.0 will trigger undefined behavior that typically manifests as crashesduring interpreter shutdown (but could also destroy your data. You have beenwarned.)

We recommend that you wait for Python 3.9.1 slated for release in December,which will include a fixthat resolves this problem. In the meantime, please update to the latestversion of pybind11 (2.6.0 or newer), which includes a temporary workaroundspecifically when Python 3.9.0 is detected at runtime.


pybind11 is a lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ typesin Python and vice versa, mainly to create Python bindings of existingC++ code. Its goals and syntax are similar to the excellentBoost.Pythonlibrary by David Abrahams: to minimize boilerplate code in traditionalextension modules by inferring type information using compile-timeintrospection.

The main issue with Boost.Python—and the reason for creating such asimilar project—is Boost. Boost is an enormously large and complex suiteof utility libraries that works with almost every C++ compiler inexistence. This compatibility has its cost: arcane template tricks andworkarounds are necessary to support the oldest and buggiest of compilerspecimens. Now that C++11-compatible compilers are widely available,this heavy machinery has become an excessively large and unnecessarydependency.

Think of this library as a tiny self-contained version of Boost.Pythonwith everything stripped away that isn’t relevant for bindinggeneration. Without comments, the core header files only require ~4Klines of code and depend on Python (2.7 or 3.5+, or PyPy) and the C++standard library. This compact implementation was possible thanks tosome of the new C++11 language features (specifically: tuples, lambdafunctions and variadic templates). Since its creation, this library hasgrown beyond Boost.Python in many ways, leading to dramatically simplerbinding code in many common situations.

Tutorial and reference documentation is provided atpybind11.readthedocs.io.A PDF version of the manual is availablehere.And the source code is always available atgithub.com/pybind/pybind11.

Core features

pybind11 can map the following core C++ features to Python:

  • Functions accepting and returning custom data structures per value,reference, or pointer
  • Instance methods and static methods
  • Overloaded functions
  • Instance attributes and static attributes
  • Arbitrary exception types
  • Enumerations
  • Callbacks
  • Iterators and ranges
  • Custom operators
  • Single and multiple inheritance
  • STL data structures
  • Smart pointers with reference counting like std::shared_ptr
  • Internal references with correct reference counting
  • C++ classes with virtual (and pure virtual) methods can be extendedin Python


In addition to the core functionality, pybind11 provides some extragoodies:

  • Python 2.7, 3.5+, and PyPy/PyPy3 7.3 are supported with animplementation-agnostic interface.
  • It is possible to bind C++11 lambda functions with capturedvariables. The lambda capture data is stored inside the resultingPython function object.
  • pybind11 uses C++11 move constructors and move assignment operatorswhenever possible to efficiently transfer custom data types.
  • It’s easy to expose the internal storage of custom data types throughPythons’ buffer protocols. This is handy e.g. for fast conversionbetween C++ matrix classes like Eigen and NumPy without expensivecopy operations.
  • pybind11 can automatically vectorize functions so that they aretransparently applied to all entries of one or more NumPy arrayarguments.
  • Python’s slice-based access and assignment operations can besupported with just a few lines of code.
  • Everything is contained in just a few header files; there is no needto link against any additional libraries.
  • Binaries are generally smaller by a factor of at least 2 compared toequivalent bindings generated by Boost.Python. A recent pybind11conversion of PyRosetta, an enormous Boost.Python binding project,reporteda binary size reduction of 5.4x and compile time reduction by5.8x.
  • Function signatures are precomputed at compile time (usingconstexpr), leading to smaller binaries.
  • With little extra effort, C++ types can be pickled and unpickledsimilar to regular Python objects.

Supported compilers

Totalfinder 1 11 5 0 6

  1. Clang/LLVM 3.3 or newer (for Apple Xcode’s clang, this is 5.0.0 ornewer)
  2. GCC 4.8 or newer
  3. Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or newer
  4. Intel C++ compiler 18 or newer(possible issue on 20.2)
  5. Cygwin/GCC (tested on 2.5.1)
  6. NVCC (CUDA 11.0 tested)
  7. NVIDIA PGI (20.7 and 20.9 tested)


This project was created by WenzelJakob. Significant features and/orimprovements to the code were contributed by Jonas Adler, Lori A. Burns,Sylvain Corlay, Eric Cousineau, Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve, Trent Houliston, AxelHuebl, @hulucc, Yannick Jadoul, Sergey Lyskov Johan Mabille, Tomasz Miąsko,Dean Moldovan, Ben Pritchard, Jason Rhinelander, Boris Schäling, PimSchellart, Henry Schreiner, Ivan Smirnov, Boris Staletic, and Patrick Stewart.

We thank Google for a generous financial contribution to the continuousintegration infrastructure used by this project.


See the contributingguidefor information on building and contributing to pybind11.


pybind11 is provided under a BSD-style license that can be found in theLICENSEfile. By using, distributing, or contributing to this project, you agreeto the terms and conditions of this license.

Release historyRelease notifications | RSS feed

2.6.0 Rar for mac 10 7 5.

2.6.0rc3 pre-release

2.6.0rc2 pre-release

2.6.0rc1 pre-release

2.6.0b1 pre-release





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Totalfinder 1 11 5 0


2.3.dev0 pre-release https://ameblo.jp/crantogpanec1989/entry-12644602126.html.










2.0.0rc1 pre-release







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1.11 Minecraft

Files for pybind11, version 2.6.0
Filename, sizeFile typePython versionUpload dateHashes
Filename, size pybind11-2.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (187.4 kB) File type Wheel Python version py2.py3 Upload dateHashes
Filename, size pybind11-2.6.0.tar.gz (170.7 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload dateHashes

Hashes for pybind11-2.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Hashes for pybind11-2.6.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
AlgorithmHash digest

Hashes for pybind11-2.6.0.tar.gz

Hashes for pybind11-2.6.0.tar.gz
AlgorithmHash digest
Hiren's Boot DVD 15.2 Restored Edition 1.1 - Proteus (January 2013) | 2.77 GB
Hiren's Boot CD is a vast collection of bootable and portable
utilities for the management, diagnosis and repair of computer
problems, recover lost or deleted files or cracking passwords. There
is no computer problem for which HBCD does not have at least one tool
to help with its solution. In addition, HBCD provides the means to
take control of any computer and communicate with other computers,
surf the internet, write documents or programs, without booting the
installed operating system. There are literally hundreds of utilities
and it is advised that you explore the contents before the need for
it arises. Hiren's Boot CD can be used in two ways:
* As a boot CD to take control of the computer without starting the
installed operating system so that we can do repairs or clone the
main disk, recover files, test the memory and hardware, clean
severe viral infections, et.c. To do any of these simply boot the
computer from the CD and select a utility from the menu. Options
include FreeDOS, 3 Mini Windows environments (98, XP and 7) and
two Linux rescue environments. Optionally you may include the
forensics/penetration Linux live CD Backtrack.
* As a collection of portable repair and diagnostic utilities which
can be run from within Windows without installation. To do this
insert the CD when Windows is running and select a utility from
the HBCD Program Launcher menu. If the CD does not autorun you
may start the menu by running HBCDMenu.cmd. When the operating
system not functional or unavailable the portable utilities may
be still be used if we boot a Mini Windows environment included
in the CD. (3rd option of the main boot menu).
For example Acronis Disk Director can be started in 4 ways:
* Boot the CD, select 'Dos Programs', 'Restored Utilities' and then
'Acronis'. (useful if we wish to clone or restore the main hard
disk and there is not enough memory to boot Mini Windows XP).
* Boot the CD, and from the main menu from the 'Hard Disk
Utilities' select 'Acronis'.
* Boot the CD, select 'Mini Windows XP' or Mini Windows 7 and then
select 'Acronis Disk Director' found under 'Partittion/Boot/MBR'
in the HBCD Program Launcher menu.
* Boot to your windows operating system, insert the DVD (or the USB
stick) and select Acronis Disk Director from the HBCD Program

Totalfinder 1 11 5 0 Mm

Launcher menu.
Changes between V1.0 and V1.1

Totalfinder 1 11 5 00

This edition of the Restored HBCD is a bug fix release of the previous version (V 1.0). Mini windows has been further improved, Kaspersky Rescue Disk is finally perfected and boots equally well from DVD or USB. Several new utilities have been added or upgraded and some faulty ones have been fixed. The aim of this Hiren's Boot CD Rebuild is to provide an austere but convenient and usable interface to the utilities whilst keeping faith with Hiren's original concept. No fancy splash screens or wallpapers. Just hotkeyed menus to get you quickly to the utilities you want to use.
Kaspersky antivirus Simplified booting for DVD and USB. No more ULA.
Updated definitions to 9 January 2013
Mini Windows 7 Rebuild to run faster. Include +rasphone.pbk+
SystemRescueCd Linux Updated to Version 3.2.0 (7 Jan 2013)
EaseUS Partition Master Updated to Version 9.2.1
Active Boot Disk Updtated to Version 6.5.2
HD Low Level Format Updated to Version 4.25
WinkeyFinder Added Version 1.73
Clonzilla Autostart when selected from main menu.
DOS environment 'M' menu Fixed to start restored utilities too.
Remove WGA Fixed 'File not found'.
WinNTSetup Missing BootICE button. Fixed.
Acronis utilities Boot from NTFS on USB flash drive.
Program Launcher Added new category +USB Tools+ and fixed various bugs.
Grub4Dos Fixed errors in menus.
usb-installation.pdf Updated and corrected.
Teracopy Do not reload program when in PE.
Raid Reconstructor Not in Program Launcher. Fixed.
Rufus (USB Formatter) Added Version
Card Recovery Updated Version 6.00.1012
CMOSDeAnimator Added Version 2.1
Driver Forge Added Version 5.0
Windows Surface Scanner Added Version 2.0
Flash Memory Toolkit Added Version 2.00 Professional
SD Formatter Added Version 3.1
USB Write Protector Added Version 1.2

This Restored DVD includes all the utilities found in the latest
Hiren's Boot CD 15.2 (December 2012). [1] with many of the utilities
updated to their latest version. It is called Restored because it
contains all the commercial utilities omitted from the official
releases (since version 11.0.) It also includes other tools such by
Acronis, Paragon, Active@, and other useful software fully integrated
within Hiren's menus.
Below are listed only the additional or updated programs and
utilities found in this DVD. The numbers in square brackets [.] are
referring to the URLs listed at the bottom of this file. For the
complete list of utilities in the official Hiren's Boot CD, read the
files HBCD.txt and changes.txt
Restored DOS Menu utilities
These are found within the HBCD DOS menu. These utilities were
included in the official but were left out since HBCD version 11.
* Acronis Backup & Recovery, UR 11.5 (build 32308)
* Acronis Disk Director 11.0 Advanced (build 12077)
* Acronis True Image 2013 (build 5587)
* Active Partition Recovery 3.0
* Active Password Changer 4.0
* Active Undelete 5.5
* DiskGenius 3.5.0 Professional
* GetDataBack for FAT/NTFS 4.0
* Image For Dos 2.77
* HDD Regenerator 2011
* Norton Ghost 11.5.1
* Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 (
* Paragon Mount Everything 3.0
* PC-Check 6.21
* Synantec ImageCenter 5.6
Self booting utilities
* Acronis
+ Backup & Recovery 11.5 (build 32308)
+ Disk Director 11.0 Advanced (build 12077)
+ True Image 2013 (build 5587)
* Active Boot Disk 6.5.2 [6]
* BootIt Bare Metal 1.85 [12]
* Clonzilla 2.0.1-15 [13]
* Eassos PartitionGuru/Disk Genius 3.5.0 Pro & 4.2.0 Free [14]
* EaseUS Partition Master 9.2.1 Server
* GParted 0.14.0
* Hardware Detection Tool (HDT) 0.5.0.
* HDAT2 (HD Diagnostics & Testing) 4.9.2
* HDClone Professional Edition 4.1.4
* Kaspersky Rescue Disk, Updated 9-Jan-2013 [4] Note:
KAV10 works on top of a very competent Gentoo linux environment.
Very handy if you know how to use it.
* KonBoot version 2.
* Macrium Reflect Professional 64 bit 5.0 4354
* OneKey Ghost 6.5
* Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 ( [8]
* Plop Boot Manager 5.0.14 (20.12.2012)
* Parted Magic Linux 2012_12_25. Modified to boot in systems with
non PAE CPUs.
* QuickTech Pro SB 5.90.00 Hardware diagnostics and stress test.
* R-Drive 4.7 (4726)
* Spinrite 6
* Super Grub2 Disk Version 2.
Important Items
* Mini Windows 7. It is based on the excellent WonderShare LiveBoot
2012 Windows 7 PE. It is heavily modified to look as close as
possible to Hiren's Mini Windows XP. It includes everything from
Mini XP, has better suport for wireless and ADSL modems, and many
extras. [22]
* SysRescueCD 3.2.0[2] A live Linux Gentoo based rescue CD (choice
of 32 or 64 bit) that offers more choice than Parted Magic. It
includes many tools for rescuing and managing Linux and windows
systems. Hundreds of utilities. e.g. Clam antivirus, Gparted,
ntfs-3g, wifi access, syslinux, telnet, ssh, PXE boot, Midori,
vim, MC?
* Kaspersky Rescue Disk If you require a language other than
English you need to edit antivirus.cfg and set the parameter
kav_lang to your language. For example kav_lang=fr for French.
* BackTrack (optional). An Ubuntu based Linux live CD for digital
forensics and penetration (sic) testing. It includes many well
known security and reversing tools, e.g. Aircrack, Ophcrack,
Gerix Wifi Cracker, disassemblers, sniffers, etc., as well as
commonplace applications such as browsers, file managers,
editors, torrent clients, etc. There is a menu entry for BT5
(under Linux), but you need to download and include in the DVD
the files. Detailed instructions as to how to do this are
included. Read document add-BT5.pdf.
Added to HBCDMenu program launcher
* AIDA64 Extreme Edition 1.85.1600 [15]
* Acronis [3]
+ Backup & Recovery 11.5 (build 32308)
+ Disk Director 11.0 (build 2343)
+ True Image 2013 (build 5551)
* Active Password changer professional 4.0
* AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional 5.1
* Atlantis Word Processor Pro [10]
* Avast Antivirus 1.0.3 updatable (updated 07-05-2012)
* Avast Registry Editor
* Calculator (Micro$oft calc.exe is very good why not have it in
* CardRecovery 6.00.1012 [16]
* CMOSDeAnimator Reset/Backup/Restore CMOS
* Crystal Disk Info
* Data Recovery Wizard Pro 5.5.1
* DRevitalize 2.42 Repair bad sectors.
* Driver Forge 5.0
* DSynchronize (Drive/directory synchronizer) 2.30.2
* DTaskManager (Powerfull process control) 1.51.
* Dynamic Disk Converter, Server Edition 3.2
* Eassos PartitionGuru/Disk Genius 3.7.0 Pro & 4.2.0 Free [14]
* EFS Advanced Data Recovery 4.42, Recover data from encrypted
* GetDataBack NTFS & FAT 4.22
* HDClone Professional 4.1.4
* HD Low Level Format 4.25
* HitmanPro, Easily remove ransomeware + antimalware.
(KickStart function needs USB flash Drive).
* HWiNFO32 3.65-1065
* Internet Download Manager 6.12 Build 26 (autogrubs links from
* Isobuster 3.0
* LookInMyPC 2.12-11-24
* MalwareBytes (updatable)
* MiniTool Power Data Recovery 6.6
* Mozilla Firefox 17.0.1
* Norton Ghost 11.5.1,
+ Ghost Cast Server
+ Ghost Image Explorer
* Outlook Express Backup 6.5
* Paragon Alignment Tool
* Paragon Hard Disk Manager server [8]
* Partition Wizard Server edition 7.6
* Passware Kit Enterprise 10.3.2585 (Crack any password). [7]
* PowerCmd 1.9 [11]
* PSPR 6.3.1 (Proactive System Password Recovery) [20]
* Raid Reconstructor 4.25 [21]
* Registry Workshop 4.6.0
* Rufus USB formater
* SD Formatter 3.1
* SkyIAR 1.2 Install ACHI/SATA/IDE controller drivers. [19]
* Terabyte
+ Image For Windows 2.7.7
+ Image Explorer (TBIView) 4.30.0
+ TBIMount 1.08
* TeraCopy 2.27
* Total Commander 8.01
* UltraISO Premium [17]
* USB Write Protector 1.2
* Windows Surface Scanner 2.0
* WinMount 3.5.1018
* WinNTSetup 2.3.1 Install Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/2003/2008
anywhere, fast, integrate drivers, include customizations.
* WinRar 4.01
* WXHexEditor 0.11 (Hex editor. Can handle Terabyte files/disks).
* WinHex 16.8 Advanced Hex Editor, Disk/Ram Editor
* WinKeyFinder 1.73
* +Many other minor updates (e.g. CCleaner, Defraggler, Recuva,
etc.). We have tried to update to current versions as many of the
utilities as possible).

Installation Instructions and Important Notes
* Burn (preferably at the lowest possible speed) the iso image to a
dvd, insert the dvd in a computer and boot from it.
* For installation to USB read document usb-installation.pdf
* For keyboards other than English you can still apply Hiren's
keyboard patch.
* To add the forensics distro BackTrack, read document
* To reduce size of DVD to CD or to fit in a smaller GB USB stick
read file trim-dvd.txt
* Read document install-win-with-hbcd.pdf, a guide for how to
install windows from USB.
* Mini Windows XP and Mini Windows 7 run from RAM. If you start one
program after another you will soon run out of memory. So clean
the temp folder from time to time.
* The HBCD program launcher (and many portable utilities) are
incompatible with 64 bit Windows 7. Use them only within 32 bit
windows, Mini Windows XP and Mini Windows 7.
Kudos and thanks to:
* Ha Canh Son, for the idea and development of using WinMount for
running portable utilities in WindowsPE and for his numerous
tips, suggestions, testing and scripts.
* DimTam, for supplying many updates, testing, corrections and
Proteus. January 2013
Note on virus alerts
Compressed files such as Nirsoft.7z, Mix.7z and possibly others, may
contain utilities such as, commands which can alter registry or
system files, password scanners, ip sniffers, registry scanners etc.
These utilities, although are legitimate, are often employed by
trojans, malware, etc, and as such may raise erroneous virus alerts.
Although these utilities by themselves pose no real threat, if you
are concerned about this, you may delete them from the DVD/USB but
you will have reduced functionality. For example, without Nirsoft's
nircmd.exe Mini Windows will not function properly.
See also: http://www.hirensbootcd.org/faq/

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